
The annual Verplank Foundation Invitational will be hosted at the newly renovated Oak Tree National, in Edmond, Oklahoma this June 1-2.

In an effort to maximize the number of young people impacted by the Foundation, Scott is bringing together his friends from the celebrity world and the business community for a fun-filled golf event, the Verplank Foundation Invitational.

Sunday, June 1, 2025
7:00-9:00 pm
Pairings Party
Everyone will gather to mingle with Scott’s celebrity friends and to find out playing partners for the next day. Please do not plan on getting dressed up; this is not a formal dinner but there will be plenty to eat and drink. The focus for the evening is having fun! 

In addition, each golf participant will have an opportunity to shop in the concept shop featuring the latest in equipment and golf gear from the premier companies in golf! Best of all; each golf participant will receive a generous credit to spend as a thank you gift from Scott and Kim!

Monday, June 2, 2025
Oak Tree National
9:45 am
Scott and Friends Golf Clinic
Join us on the practice tee as Scott introduces his celebrity friends and gives them some last minute tips.
10:15 am
Time to Tee It
Each foursome will include three amateur golfers and one celebrity. The format of play will be fun and ensure a comfortable pace of play…but of course the competition will be fierce with bragging rights for the annual Verplank Foundation Invitational being invaluable! In addition, the outstanding culinary team will be in action guaranteeing everyone has a great lunch at the turn compliments of Continental Resources. There will also be several refreshment stations throughout the golf course to make sure no one gets hungry or dehydrated!
After Play
Awards Reception
Immediately following play everyone will gather in the Clubhouse to exchange stories from the day, recognize our champions and celebrate our accomplishments!

Please contact our Tournament Director, Patrick Siver, at 503-807-0960 or [email protected] to answer any questions you may have!